Corporation Filing Services

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All information provided is for reference only, Get it Filed, LLC does not offer legal or tax advice. Before you establish a business, you should consult with a private attorney or tax advisor for advice about what type of business entity will meet your business needs, and what your legal obligations will be.

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How much will it cost?

We offer upfront flat rate fees that include everything you need to get it filed. This means there will be no hidden costs or unexpected charges. Fees will vary depending on what services you select as well as what level of service you desire.

Use our interactive online order form to see what options are available and calculate what it will cost to get your paperwork filed. You may also consult our rates page.

What is a Corporation?

A Delaware corporation generally is a legal entity which exists separately from its owners.

While normally limiting the owners from personal liability, taxes are levied on the corporation as well as on the shareholders. The sale of stocks or bonds can generate additional capital and the longevity of the corporation can continue past the death of the owners.

Legal Counsel should be consulted regarding the variety of options available. To form a corporation in Delaware, Articles of Incorporation must be filed with the Delaware Secretary of State’s office.