Get it Filed Rates

Get it Filed Fee
Standard Filing $70.00
Expedited Filing $125.00
Certified Copies (for new filings) $10.00 ea
Name Availability $20.00
Each Additional Name $10.00
Name Reservation (includes name check) $80.00
Document Retrieval $70.00
Certified Document Copy (for existing entities) $16.00 ea
Plain Document Copy (for existing entities) $11.00 ea
Apostille/Certification $125.00

Corporation Filing State Fees

State Fees Get it Filed Fee Total
Standard Articles Filing (includes $15 counter fee) $115.00 $70.00 $185.00
Expedited Articles Filing $450.00 $125.00 $575.00
Standard Statement of Information $25.00 $70.00 $95.00
Expedited Statement of Information $375.00 $125.00 $500.00
Standard Amendment (includes $15 counter fee) $45.00 $70.00 $115.00
Expedited Amendment $380.00 $125.00 $505.00

*add $10 for certified copy of above filings (optional)

LLC and LLP Filing State Fees

State Fees Get it Filed Fee Total
Standard Articles Filing (includes $15 counter fee) $85.00 $70.00 $155.00
Expedited Articles Filing $420.00 $125.00 $545.00
Standard Statement of Information $20.00 $70.00 $90.00
Expedited Statement of Information $370.00 $125.00 $495.00
Standard Amendment $45.00 $70.00 $115.00
Expedited Amendment $380.00 $125.00 $505.00

*add $10 for certified copy of above filings (optional)

Non-Profit State Fees

State Fees Get it Filed Fee Total
Standard Articles Filing (includes $15 counter fee) $45.00 $70.00 $115.00
Expedited Articles Filing $380.00 $125.00 $505.00
Standard Statement of Information $45.00 $70.00 $115.00
Expedited Statement of Information $380.00 $125.00 $505.00
Standard Amendment (includes $15 counter fee) $45.00 $70.00 $115.00
Expedited Amendment $380.00 $125.00 $505.00

*add $10 for certified copy of above filings (optional)